Saturday, January 17, 2009

Does this make me a loser?

Last Wednesday was a long day for me. Busy, busy, busy. I had just gotten all the kids to bed and was sitting down to relax when I started thinking. I needed some time for me and to have a break. So around 9:45 that evening I decided I would go see a movie, by myself. I told Clint my idea and he thought I was silly. But I hadn't seen the Twilight movie yet, my mind was made up, and I was off to the 10:30 pm showing. While buying my ticket the cashier mentioned to me, "I hope you don't like crowded theaters." I asked him if there were a lot of people watching it and he said, "You are the only one."

So I had my own private viewing of Twilight and I loved it. I sat back with my feet on the seat in front of me and candy in tow. I enjoyed every minute of it.

So that brings me to the question, Does this make me a loser? I like to think I deserved this little time-out for myself.


Diana said...

Nope--it makes you self-confident and wonderful! I'm glad you had fun.

Ernest Istook said...

I wish I had a photo of you sitting there with your feet up! You deserve every bit of relaxation that you can get.

mamagee said...

Amy, let the gang know and I'm sure someone would have snuck away with you. Our group does that often. Ask Katie how she rocked out in the theater one night. We loved it. Nope, you are not a loser!!
Love, Favorite Aunt Linda

THE UDYS said...

That is awesome Amy and your sister is right it means you have good self confidence! People pay a lot of money to have a theater for themselves so way to go! I hope you enjoyed the show. There were parts I liked and others I did not but hopefully the budget will be better for the next show!

Sarah said...

I think it's great! Not a loser at all. I think it's a good idea.

Stacee said...

Amy - Thanks for giving me a smile for the night! The Amy I know from college would have had a blast, even alone! I love the visual... Sounds relaxing.