Monday, February 22, 2010


saw the movie, Avatar. Wow! I had heard from several people it's a movie you have to experience in the theater. So on Saturday night Clint and I went to the 3-D showing and we were absolutely blown away. Blown away!

Seeing it in 3-D made the experience that much better. I am seriously wanting to go back and see it a second time. It was that good.


Dulcie said...

We loved it too! We decided to not see it in 3-D because I was worried I'd get motion sick. Now that I hear that it was great in 3-D I'm a little disappointed that we didn't. WIll you see it again in 3-D or try the regular version?

P.S. I'm really NOT liking Tyson from Survivor. He was so mean on Thursday! Furthermore, what is the deal with his speedo... a little too much Tyson, Thank you. What are you thinking?

Diana said...

Hooray for a trip to the movies. I'm so glad that you went. Now go fix my goose egg! ;)

Sarah said...

Glad you got to see it. Now you need to convince RJ to see it in the theatre.