Monday, March 15, 2010

A big struggle

Blake is the sweetest, cutest, most charming 5 year old you will ever meet, but he has a big problem. He cannot clean his room to save his life. Everyday I tell him he needs to go downstairs and put his things away, and he will cry and scream and tell me over and over again that he is not "strong enough" and that he can't do it.

Well, the other day it was the same story. Tears and crying and then finally he tells me he did it. He cleaned his room.

This is what I saw.
I told you he was charming!


Diana said...

What's the problem? It looks clean to me!

Ernest Istook said...

It's a guy thing. All you need to clean a room is a big enough box!

Sarah said...

Oh My Gosh! Too cute. I love how he says he is "not strong enough". So funny!