Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We Are Having A...

Today was the ultrasound and the results are in. It's a... BOY! I was going to have the tech write down on a piece of paper what we are having and open it up with the kids, but I couldn't even be in suspense for an hour. So Clint and I found out there, and then I wrote on a piece of paper what we were having and Macy read the results to us all. The kids were thrilled! They were all hoping for a little brother.

I have posted some pics of the little guy, and the tech said that he is "definitely" a boy unless something falls off!

Now I need to think of a prize for those who guessed correctly.


Diana said...

I'm so happy for you guys! What if our boys are born on the same day! That would be crazy. :) They will be great cousin buddies!