Monday, July 11, 2011

The Toothpick

About 4 months ago Tyler stepped on a toothpick and half of it broke off into the bottom of his foot. It was lodged too deep to pull out on my own, so I took him the to the Dr., four times. Each Dr. said it was okay, it would come out on its own, nothing to worry about. Fast forward 4 months and the toothpick was still lodged in his foot, it was swollen, red, painful, and definitely not getting better. I had enough and took him to the emergency room and told them I wasn't leaving until it was removed.

Being the squirmy 3 year old that Tyler is, he had to be sedated for them to remove it. Such a sad sight, but it was removed and life it good now. The Dr. couldn't believe it was in there for so long and he sent my home with the toothpick as a souvenir.


Sarah said...

I STILL can't believe this. :(