Wednesday, July 28, 2010


While in California I was able to catch up with my lil sis who recently moved to Arkansas. She had never met Tyler and I had never met her little 3-year old, Eva. It has been awhile so it was nice to get to spend an evening out to dinner with her family and mine.
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Sarah said...

These pics made me happy! Love the one of Ty with Snow White! So tender. Love Ty's face in the pic with Tink. Your kids looked like they Loved seeing the characters. You're right, the characters are SO in character and make it so much fun. So glad you guys had a nice time. I want to see More pics! BTW your eyes and eyelashes are so pretty and I love the Disney shirts.

Diana said...

Why am I missing from all of these pictures? So sad!! I'm glad you were somehow able to have fun without me!

Ernest Istook said...

Amy, I crack up over the picture of you and Emily acting goofus together! And seeing grandkids enjoying each other is priceless.