Friday, December 17, 2010


This year we were delighted to have my parents here for Thanksgiving. They flew in from Washington D.C. the night of the "blizzard of 2010!" The weather never got as bad as predicted, thank goodness.

Having my parents here with us had us all in pure heaven. The house was so alive and full of love. I absolutely felt it was the best Thanksgiving ever. Just perfect! I even had the privilege of cooking my first turkey, upside down by accident. You learn and grow right?!

We had our usual traditions:

* Putting together a Christmas puzzle, twice. Tyler got a hold of the puzzle when we were almost done and destroyed it. It went together much quicker the second time around.
* Nana and Pops emptying their pockets of change and allowing the kids to dig in a bowl with one hand to get as much money as possible.
*The fishing pole game where Nana and Pops have the kids fish for prizes behind a huge quilt. Always a crowd pleaser.
*Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
*Black Friday shopping. Need I say more.

It really was an absolute perfect Thanksgiving. Thank you mom and dad for coming to spend the holiday with us.


mamagee said...

What beautiful pictures of such a lovely time. I was sorry to miss seeing your Mom and Dad, but did have a wonderful time with Clark and Staci and their beautiful children in Colorado!

Ernest Istook said...

We had a fantastic time, thanks to the wonderful Udy family!

Sarah said...

Yeah for a new post! Sounds and looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving. That "Blizzard 2010" was something else! Your turkey looked yummy, your table setting was beautiful, you all look happy!