Friday, December 21, 2007

2007 Christmas Letter and Photo

Merry Christmas!

2007 has been a wonderful year filled with many memories and some exciting news to share. Here is an update on what we have been up to this last year.

Macy (7) is in the first grade and loves every minute of it. She is in the school choir and dreams about taking her talent to the next level. Macy loves to make crafts and is quite the entrepreneur. On Saturday’s you can find Macy selling her crafts on the sidewalk to anyone who might walk or drive by. Surprisingly she always makes a profit. Macy had quite an eventful summer. She soon realized that being a monkey is not so easy when she fell out of a tree and broke her ankle. Then in August she discovered that indoor soccer was not the way to go, when she kicked a ball and hit a light fixture in the house. The fixture came crashing down upon her face. Luckily the glass missed her eyes and struck her right in the middle of her forehead; eight stitches were needed. We are hoping this next year she will be able to stay out of the emergency room.

Abby (5) is our little princess. She would have her name legally changed to Cinderella if we let her. Abby loves to spend time changing from one princess outfit to another, putting on princess jewelry, and staring into the mirror wishing for her prince charming to take her to the temple. She is in pre-school this year and loves making new friends and being a social butterfly. Abby enjoys coloring, taking trips to the library, and searching for sweets around the house. She loves chocolate.

Blake (3) is in pre-school and enjoys putting puzzles together. He loves to follow his sisters around, mimicking everything they do. One can find Abby dressing him up in many princess outfits; Blake definitely needs a brother. Blake enjoys playing football, playing with farm animals and trucks. He is such a sweet little boy and loves to give hugs and kisses.

Clint was transferred this year to the Taylorsville Seminary as the new Principal of the seminary. He enjoys teaching and his new responsibilities. After three years, Clint was released from the Bishopric and is now a member of the Stake High Counsel. It has been nice to have Clint home more since the change and the kids definitely enjoy having their daddy around. Clint continues running and finished three marathons this past year. His favorite pastimes are giving horsey rides, listening to Macy read stories, playing Barbie’s with Abby and playing catch with Blake.

Amy continues to keep busy with the kids, running them to their different schools and staying on top of their schoolwork. She feels like a soccer mom some days even though none of the kids play soccer! Amy also keeps busy as the Enrichment Night leader, planning and carrying out fun activities for the ladies in the ward. A new addition to the family will be here in March; Amy is pregnant with another little boy and we are so thrilled. Abby has voted to call him “Prince Charming” but we might have another name in mind!

Our hope is that we all can rejoice this Christmas season as we remember the birth of our Lord and Savior. May His spirit always be found with you in your hearts and homes.

The Udys
Clint, Amy, Macy, Abby, Blake, & little brother!


Jason and Layna said...

It is good to hear from you. Lets try and get together after Christmas. I love your Christmas picture, your kids are adorable.

Diana said...

I love the picture of your kids, Ames. It is great of all of them! Can't wait to see you super soon!!!!

Tam said...

Sounds like you had a busy year. I am glad that Macy survived! And reading about Abbie made me wish our girls lived closer to each other. They would have so much fun.

I hope you have a great Christmas. We miss all of you very much.

Anonymous said...

Amy loved your Christmas letter and picture. How the kids have grown. We really need to get together more - sad we live so close and can't find time to see each other in person. I am grateful for these blogs that we can keep in touch and that you and my children are reading each others. We love you guys!!

Trying to be said...

I love reading about your family, and how much its growing year by year! we should get together more often! we have girls night out. you should come sometime!!!! we can plan one so all of us can spend time together!